Ryan Fischer
Credentials: Majoring in Accounting | intended graduation date: BBA May 2024 and Master of Accounting in May 2025
Position title: APC Intern
Name: Ryan Fischer
Major: Accounting
Intended Graduation Date: May 2024 (BBA) and May 2025 (Masters)
Hometown/Where are you from? Waterford, Wisconsin
Favorite WSB Classes: Accounting 620 and Accounting 301
What do you like about Accounting? I took an introductory class in high school and found it extremely interesting and easy. As college accounting classes have progressively gotten more challenging, they have still continued to interest me. I love the organizational and attention to detail aspects of balancing the fundamental accounting equation. Accounting offers a full scope picture of how a business operates both day-to-day and over years. It is exciting knowing that I will get to learn about all aspects of a business in order to do my daily work.
Impactful UW experience(s):
I have extremely high hopes that this internship opportunity will be my most impactful experience at UW. This is the most applicable experience I will get to public accounting and I couldn’t be more excited to learn about how these small business operate and assist them in achieving their goals. However, being the community service director for Beta Alpha Psi also made an impression on me. It was a great opportunity to work with non-profits and other organizations to give back to the community. I was able to set up community service events to offer help to the Boys and Girls Club, the Milwaukee Rescue Mission, and Brightstar Senior Living. Community Service has been a big part of my life for a while and it is always great to help out those less fortunate than myself as it truly does make an impact.
Goal(s) for after graduation?
I plan to graduate with a Masters degree and then sit for the CPA exam. Hopefully, through the iMAcc program I match with a Big Four accounting firm and start my career in public accounting.
Favorite things to do outside of work and studying?
I enjoy watching and playing pretty much any sport including Disc Golf, Basketball, Football and Golf.
Favorite Book, Movie, or Podcast?
My favorite movie is Elf and my favorite movie series is the Star Wars For podcasts, I enjoy listening to finance podcasts and sports podcasts.