I’m Doing Everything! How Value Planning Reduces Panic & Builds Value


While tax planning is a regular part of every entrepreneur’s work cycle, value planning may have a bigger long-term impact. Given that your business is likely your largest asset, wouldn’t you want to maximize its value?

For a business owner, retirement often translates into selling your business. Even if you never plan on selling, building your business as though you will sell someday will ensure more efficient operations, clearer business trends, a cleaner financial picture, and better standard operating procedures – all key qualities for both effective ongoing operations and value drivers for the future.

For business owners, proactive value planning:

  • allows you to understand the value drivers in your business (how the business will be valued, and what you can control to increase that value)
  • helps you identify and prioritize the actions needed for the future
  • helps you clarify whether actions you are taking are having a positive impact
  • measures growth, capacity for growth, efficiency, future opportunity, and future risks
  • improves your company’s operations to make processes run more smoothly
  • gives you the option to hire staff and delegate tasks by removing yourself as a the bottleneck
  • increases the transferability – and therefore salability – of your business …and more!

This course helps you understand that qualitative and quantitative factors that drive value in your business and put you on the right track – whether you’re planning to stay in business for many years or looking to sell in the next few.

Whether you are looking to improve your operations, purchase another business, or sell your own, there is no crystal ball to help you determine perfect timing. However, there are ways to monitor the financial performance of your company – or the company you are looking to purchase – that can help guide your decisions.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand the actions you can take – quantitative and qualitative – that can increase the potential value of your business for a buyer
  • Explore the idea of a “buyer” – who are they? What are they looking for?
  • Learn tips for building your business to sell
  • Understand how to build credibility and clear financial statements
  • Understand risk factors that impact value
  • Understand qualities of the ideal time to sell
  • Learn the basics of what to expect when selling your business – or what to look for if you are hoping to buy a business

Using this session as a launch point for longer-term planning can also help you set goals for what you need to achieve before you go into the market.


Location: Online; Zoom link will be sent within 24 hours of the class start time

Schedule: 11:00 am – noon CST

Date: February 26, 2025

Fee: WEDC and the Mainstreet Bounceback Program are covering the $99 cost of this webinar for operating, for-profit businesses under 500 employees. These businesses should register here:

Businesses <500 employees, Register here for Spring 2025

Fee: We have a limited number of seats available for nonprofits, pre-venture (not yet started) businesses, and those participants from a company of over 500 employees thanks to the generosity of UW-Madison SBDC’s supporters. These organizations should use the link below to register. 

Register here for Spring 2025

Cancellation Policy: Due to program costs and space limitations for these programs, participants are expected to cancel their registration at least 24 hours ahead of the program. Cancellations that occur less than 24 hours prior to the start of the program will be considered no-shows and may be removed from future programming and/or charged a course fee. 

Disability Statement: Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact the UW-Madison SBDC office at sbdc@bus.wisc.edu to request accommodations.


Jane TerebaJane Tereba, CPA

Ms. Tereba is President of Capital Valuation Group and provides business and intangible asset valuations and consulting services.  Prior to joining the firm, her demonstrated record of achievement includes over 15 years of experience in public accounting before joining Capital Valuation Group in 2014. She later became a shareholder and earned her ASA accreditation in 2021.  Jane uses her business valuation expertise with owners of privately held businesses helping them understand, increase, and unlock the value in their businesses.  In addition to client work, Jane also enjoys teaching on the topic of business valuation through speaking engagements, webinars, and podcasts.

Jane hosts the firm’s free quarterly webinar titled Understanding Financial Statements for any business advisors interested in improving their fluency in the language of business. This webinar includes accounting basics as well as how to interpret and use the information to make client conversations even more unique and beneficial. Jane is looking forward to continuing the firm’s legacy of exceptional client service while innovating to meet future client expectations.

The Wisconsin SBDC Network is a proud part of the Institute for Business & Entrepreneurship in the University of Wisconsin System.
It is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities will be made if requested at least two weeks in advance. Contact us at sbdc@bus.wisc.edu or call (608) 263-2221.